I often think of how children see the world as I paint; simple shapes, bright, new colors, and a knowledge of themselves that often gets lost as they age. As a kid I knew my place in the world and didn't care about my place in history. I'd like the simplicity of that life back.I love old thingsÖ. from my 17 year old dog (who's now passed) to my 54 year old truck (that still runs occasionally), from jazz to boxing; the ingrained narrative of things that have withstood time. I long for the days when people spent more time on porches with neighbors and less time in front of screens. I graduated with a degree in art from The University of Georgia and spent years chasing other careers; from sales to firefighting. Fourteen years later, after a serious injury, I found myself picking up art again. I now create art full time and live in Chattanooga, TN with my wife and a herd of animals.