Diana Jacobs was born and raised on Long Island. She began studying art as a teenager and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. After moving to Los Angeles she received certificates in both botanical and zoological illustration from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. Ms. Jacobs background in the art community is diverse - from working with commercial artists on Madison Avenue, gallery work on Melrose, as a free lance illustrator at the Huntington Gardens to teaching at Otis-Parsons. In the last twelve years she has focused on her studio work. Her mixed media and print work has been internationally exhibited and shown throughout the United States. Ms. Jacobs work has also appeared in feature films and television. Most recently she completed illustrations for "The Memory Bible" by Dr. Gary Small, created a work for "The Book Of Lies", a large scale collaborative piece by Eugenia Butler, and was an Arts panelist at the Conference of World Affairs, University of Colorado at Boulder.