As Leonard Wren unpacks his oils, neatly stowed in a French easel, he repeats the ritual that has remained constant during the 20 years he has been a painter. He always works outdoors and directly from life. His wooden case is outfitted with wheels; the better to move it through airports, and his backpack is loaded and worn. One thing it doesn’t hold is a camera. “Photography has ruined a lot of fine paintings,” he says. “If you want the truth, you have to go straight to the outdoors.” Wren sometimes finishes a painting in studio, using the time to winnow down the information on the canvas. Painting outdoor is a sensual experience, he says, made up of not only visual experiences but also of the sounds of the birds and leaves crunching and the feel of the breeze and the sun.
Leonard Wren considers his style “ American Impressionist” and considers the style’s accessibility and popularity a plus.