Kate Nelson’s artistic track is varied, everchanging- like the path of the outgoing tide on the Brewster flats. Holding degrees in pre-medicine and art from the University of Massachusetts where she was influenced by Chuck Close and Keith Hollingworth, she has studied printmaking and painting both on Cape Cod and at Haystack Mountain School, Deer Isle, Maine. Formerly a teacher of lithography at Cape Cod Conservatory, and owner of a graphic design agency, she now devotes herself to non-representational painting and printmaking.
Trying to dissolve what she sees in to what she feels, Kate is drawn to and moved by the outdoor life. She pours her feelings about nature into abstractions, attempting to fuse the experience of exterior landscape with “inscape,†the inner landscape of psyche and spirit.
“To be concise, to pare down. Past words, past being descriptive, past the left-brain snow-job interpreter. Like jazz, abstract painting is born in passion, nurtured in structure and grown by improvisation.
I hope to see my work become like good jazz music; disciplined yet free, spare yet full, within a rich tradition yet achingly personalâ€