Artwork for Zoe Bios Creative

ZBC co-founder Caitlin Dinkins was born in Ojai, California in 1967. She holds a BFA in art from UCLA and an MFA in Painting from Cranbrook. Caitlin spent eleven years as the sole illustrator for and ultimately Creative Director of Stila Cosmetics. She wanted to begin life as a painter again after her work in Corporate America and met Minh Nguyen. Minh, another Creative and like mind, who held the position of Managing Director for Natural Curiosities for 4 years, had similar ideas about her own need for creative autonomy. Together they founded ZBC in 2011, where they successfully create uniquely original and limited edition collections of bespoke, hand-treated artwork along with representing 30 artists worldwide.
Zoe Bios Creative joined Grand Image in 2019.
Los Angeles, California