Artwork for Jorey Hurley

Jorey Hurley is an author, illustrator, and artist based in San Francisco. Her critically acclaimed picture books for kids, RIBBIT (2017), NEST (2014), FETCH (2015), and HOP (2016), are published by Simon and Schuster and are available everywhere picture books are sold. She graduated from Princeton in Art History, earned a law degree from Stanford, and went on to study design at FIT. After working as a textile designer at Hable Construction in New York City, she moved to San Francisco and went to work for herself. Ultimately the best preparation for her work has been a family chock full of artists: her mother is a sculptor, her brother is a photographer, her father is a filmmaker, her husband is an architect, her grandmother was a bronze sculptor and both grandfathers were painters.
Jorey joined Grand Image in 2017.
San Francisco, California