Artwork for Barbara DeBord

Barbara DeBord is an American photographer. She creates fine art images with a focus on land and seascapes. Water, trees and the sun are primary recurring obsessions in her art. A destination, portrait and commercial photographer as well, she is best known for capturing the most fleeting moments by conveying not only the visual, but the deeper emotional experience of a place, a person or a thing.

"My water abstracts are a result of the way wind and sun move on water," says DeBord. "At first glance, you may not really know that you're looking at a reflection on the surface of water. And, to me, that's what's so interesting. Nature is saying to you, 'Hey, there's more here to see, if you take a closer look. Just give me a moment of your time.' And, every time I have done that, I have been pleasantly awed. Nature has the best designs, and it never disappoints."

Barbara joined Grand Image in 2016.