Artwork for Kelly O'Brien

Kelly O’Brien lived in the Washington, DC metropolitan area for 38 years before moving to Germany in 2011, and to England in 2014. She currently lives and works near Bath, UK. Geography and surroundings play important roles in Kelly’s work. She uses personal snapshots, found text, memory, and snippets from conversations – real or imagined – to explore ideas related to place, identity, transformation, and authenticity. The titles of her work are as expressive as the images, offering further insight into her process and mindset.

 The past few years have been all about stepping out of Kelly’s comfort zone, with two international moves and a simultaneous career change. The landscapes she has navigated these past few years – geographic and internal – continue to challenge Kelly’s assumptions about where she should live and who she can be. Her art has been instrumental in helping Kelly stay grounded, as well as, served as a vehicle for connecting to place and culture. 

Kelly joined Grand Image in 2016.