Artwork for Stefano Altamura

Stefano Altamura was born in 1988 in Napa Valley, California. At an early age, his father introduced him to renaissance paintings and sculptures. His affinity for classical work continued to grow and influence his drawings and paintings. Aside from three semesters of figure drawing classes, Stefano is completely self-taught. Through his own personal studies, he has developed a strong sense of color theory and a wide range of mediums. Though he most often works in acrylics, making surrealist work that is vibrant and colorful, Stefano also has a deep fascination with the chemistry of art and the possibilities of creating and finding new styles and techniques. Stefano's work focuses the eye on a figure (often the female figure) rendered in a realistic fashion and shrouded in fragmented forms reminiscent of mathematical fractals. These geometric shapes often seem to engulf the figure and act as a metaphorical cloak. An effect achieved by using multiple mediums, including watercolor, colored pencil, and acrylic paint.
Stefano joined Grand Image in 2015.
Seattle, Washington