Artwork for Van Hoang

Van Hoang is a painter based in Seattle, WA. Born in Vietnam, his family immigrated in 1990 searching for the American Dream. His passion for art started at a very young age where he could always be found drawing. This passion only grew as he got older but his parents feared that it wouldn't take him very far. In compromise, he began his studies in Industrial Design but ultimately realized that painting is where his passion lies. Van finished with a BFA in painting and drawing at the University of Washington in 2013. After graduating, he was hired by a large Seattle art studio to create paintings and sculpture for an international clientele of collectors, architects and designers. His work can be found in many collections and galleries. Van's rapid commercial success prompted him in 2015 to focus on his personal work and move into a studio loft in the historic Pioneer Square neighborhood of Seattle.
Van joined Grand Image in 2015.
Bremerton, Washington