Artwork for Lee Hazel

Raised in Austin, Texas, the daughter of an internationally acclaimed Engineering professor, Lee was often surrounded by representatives of other cultures. This sparked her desire for travel, and ultimately led to a growing love of Art History and the old masters. Lee was a deeply creative child with a love of art at an early age. Much of her childhood weekends & family holidays were spent at the family Ranch outside of Austin, learning about nature, animals, fishing & shooting. These activities, combined with the many different cultural settings she grew up around led to her strong desire to express herself creatively & not worry about getting her hands dirty. The interests grew as opportunities led to travel in Europe and Art School in Paris, France. After returning to Austin, and earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Texas, Lee began to paint professionally.

"As an artist I draw my inspiration from history, architecture, traveling and my own experiences. My paintings offer a window into my intricate dreams, as well as my passions and interests."

Lee's Artistic style is as versatile as her upbringing, she works in oil & acrylic, exercising two realms of creativity, a gift for realism & old world paintings, as well as a contrasting style using old patterns, symbols, textures & layers using warm colors in a contemporary reflection of her various interests. Lee has been part of the Phoenix Art Community for over 10 years now and resides there with her husband Nick.

Lee joined Grand Image in 2010.
Phoenix, Arizona
Original Product Available
Original Product Available