Artwork for Kathy Croson

Unique color palettes intrigue Kathy. Placing two colors together creates either harmony or dissonance. She states, 'I could paint endless striped paintings because they are all different to me!' Her circle paintings originated from an afternoon of blowing bubbles with her kids in the backyard. The Mod Pod series was inspired by observing dried up seedpods in the fall and combining that with her own interpretation of the Mid-Century modern feel.

She finds inspiration in the everyday details of life: rust on metal, rain storms, chocolate pudding dripping down a child’s face, and patterns in nature. It is details like these that make her stop and think, 'I want to paint that!' Kathy feels blessed to have found her passion in life.

Kathy was born and raised in Moscow, Idaho. She attended the University of Idaho and graduated in 1990. She lives with her family in Redmond, Washington. Besides creating art, Kathy enjoys her family, long walks, dark chocolate, reading blogs about design, her 2 faithful dogs and making silly faces in the mirror with her kids. Kathy seeks contentment in the simple things in life: deep relationships, music that moves my soul and natural beauty.

Kathy joined Grand Image in 2009.