Artwork for Edosa Oguigo

'Growing up as a child in the ancient city of Benin, Nigeria, where art runs alongside blood in the veins of its citizens, my favourite pastime was sitting in my mother’s stall at the market or sometimes in my father’s tailoring shop watching people and their quirks. My childhood friends, classmates and I were inundated by these sights that we started creating whatever we can that caught our fancies—pieces that would make any art connoisseur marvel.

It was this early love that stirred my passion for figures so much so that watching nature, football match, or listening to music, or just reflecting on everyday human endeavours drives me to do those crazy things we did as children. I find avenues of expressions that come in colourful brush strokes; I think I enjoy seeing the strokes because they are like sweet melodies accompanying a well-arranged song.

However, the challenge of not totally birthing the entire picture as conceived makes me want to explore more… I love figures in action! Take the majestic graceful elegance of the horse; or the intricate gesture sequence of dancers; these movements simply intrigue me!'

Edosa joined Grand Image in 2008.