Artwork for Ann Christensen

My introduction to art was, appropriately enough, the freshman "Introduction to Art" course at Colby College in the 60's. I nearly fell off my chair watching those ethereally beautiful Greek classic statues and temples flash on the screen. I was hooked from that point on and took every art elective I could while maintaining my major in mathematics. Art won over math in the end.

After college I moved to Boston and practiced graphic design while taking advantage of the area's many institutions of higher education to continue my pursuit of fine art. I studied art history at Harvard, MIT, Boston University, and Northeastern and painting at Harvard and the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. I gained much insight, inspiration, and encouragement from Albert Alcalay at Harvard and Miroslav Antic and Gerry Bergstein at the Museum School.

My life evolved in other ways as well, of course: I got married, had a son, traveled as much as possible, established enduring friendships-basically laughed and loved as much as I could, and experienced the inevitable pain and losses of growing through life. All these things, combined with an apparent tendency toward emotional oversensitivity, have contributed to the character of my work. People seem to react to the energy and emotional accessibility in my paintings, as well as to the somewhat adventurous use of color.

Ann joined Grand Image in 2007.