Artwork for Jane Gibout

Jane Gibout a native Chicagoan, has lived in the Atlanta area since 1982. She was first introduced to the medium of pastel while studying in Chicago with the late Vicki Lackowski and continues to find the medium most responsive to her artistic expression.

It is the atmospheric quality of pastel painting which draws her to the medium. The strength of color, its brilliance and permanence are difficult to duplicate in oil or watercolor. The medium allows her to translate beautifully the color and design of the country and village street scenes predominant in her body of work. 'As a landscape artist, my endeavor is to avoid the sentimental and express visually my own sense and response to each location. The figureless scenes I paint have the appeal of an 'empty set' for me into which any number of scenarios can be played out forever.'

Ms. Gibout is a signature member of the Southeastern Pastel Society.

Jane joined Grand Image in 2007.