Artwork for Alan Clarke

Alan was born in Springfield, Illinois in 1963. He relocated many times in the upper Great Lakes region until finally settling in the Chicago area. Those displacements helped motivate and shape his versatile nature and quick sense of humor often making it easier to assimilate into new surroundings. He also began to develop an ability to view the same subject from different perspectives; a trait he feels is the foundation of his philosophy on art and art making.

After graduating from Beloit College with a degree in Geology and a heavy load of Art History, Alan moved to New England before finally settling down in Arizona in which he's resided for more than 20 years. During this period in the wide-open Southwest, he experimented with many artistic mediums including, but not limited to, monoprints, painting, sculpture, photography, and serigraphy. His dabbling in these mediums has forged his philosophy of art making into shape. He used his view of an individual's perspective as the foundation for his statement, "Truth is Perception". This belief allows a new medium to tell a new story at a new point in time. He is not afraid to fail at an experience, and believes success in art, as with life, is truly trial and error. "Each piece or chapter is an incomplete exercise and can be reshaped and pounded into a success."

Currently, he is using his passion for digital media and blending it with analog media such as serigraphy and painting. This new hybrid language allows him to take ideas and concepts that were technically unapproachable in the past and turn them into reality.

Alan joined Grand Image in 2007.