Artwork for Michael Mao

Michael Mao, born in 1963 in Shanghai, China, began his artistic journey at the age of seven, teaching himself drawing and painting. He further honed his skills through workshops during his school years. After graduating from Tongji University with a degree in architecture, Michael worked as an instructor and did architectural renderings. In 1992, he moved to the U.S. to pursue a Master of Architecture at the University of Texas at Arlington, eventually transitioning into 3D computer graphics and animation. This led him to a career as a Matte Painting Technical Director for the Oscar-winning film "Shrek" at PDI/DreamWorks. Michael is currently a leading visual designer at IBM Silicon Valley Lab.

Michael's paintings, which display a mastery of color, lighting, and perspective, have been widely exhibited and have earned him numerous awards, including the Award of Excellence at the 2005 Western Regional Juried Exhibition of Oil Painters of America. His work, which covers a range of subjects from landscapes to figures, has been featured in prestigious galleries such as Waterhouse Gallery in Santa Barbara and Park Gallery in Carmel. He is a member of the Oil Painters of America and the California Art Club.

Michael joined Grand Image in 2006.