Artwork for Jennifer Hollack

Jennifer Hollack was born in Dallas in 1967, and received her BA in Architecture from the University of Arizona in 1991.

Beyond all else, her mother's boundless creativity had the most effect on her life. Every holiday our house was covered with handmade items showing her spirit. Birthday parties always had themes and decorations. We would enter parades with floats built around our bicycles. You name it - mom could build it, design it, and basically create it. I have never known the limits of what can be accomplished.

Her love of exotic cultures and examination of the history of a people have enriched her work and ideas with an expressive fascination for color, texture, pattern and form. 'All my life, I've been taught to do my best,' Jennifer explains. 'When I was in Venice, I saw the most beautiful piece of glass art. I took all my spending money and invested it on that vase - it was my big splurge. Today, when I paint a piece of art, I think to myself, this is someone's big splurge. With that in mind, I try to create a piece that is beyond my expectations - I want it to be the best piece that I can paint.'

If she had her way, Ms. Hollack would live in a little house made from stones on the sun drenched Greek island of Paros. She would spend her days barefoot down by the sea, painting people and boats, and at night, would eat fish and dance with the old men and women of the village. This love affair with far away places took root while studying architecture and fine art at the Aegean Center for the Arts on Paros.

Jennifer joined Grand Image in 2008.