Artwork for Mary Dulon

A native of Wadowice, Poland, Mary Dulon's artistic gifts were recognized and encouraged at an early age. She was chosen to attend the High School of Fine Arts in Bielsko-Biala; after graduating magna cum laude, she continued her studies at the Polish Academy of Fine Arts. During her years of formal training she developed close affiliations with the artists Henryk Stazewski and Eugeniusz Markowski; she also discovered an interest in the Polish poet Leopold Staff, whose style is likened to Walt Whitman.

A holiday in California in 1981, together with Poland's uncertain political climate, led her to an extended stay in America. Over the years, exploration of mountainous California terrain along with childhood memories of her homeland combined to inspire her dramatic and strong landscapes.

Her paintings are in the traditional style, featuring thick, swirling brushstrokes in oil on canvas. The ethereal effects of nature's light and color are reflected in her work, a combination of abstraction and realism. The passion she feels for her work is the foundation that draws in the viewer.

Ms. Dulon has exhibited extensively in both group and solo show, from California to Poland. She has received numerous awards including the Diploma/di Merit at eh International Art Exhibit in Viterbo, Italy and the diploma of excellence at the International Art Competition/Art Horizons in New York.

Mary joined Grand Image in 2008.