Artwork for Joan Colomer

Joan Colomer was born on May 27, 1965 at San Felieu Du Pallerola near Olot, Spain. Joan had his first steps in the painting field from his father, also a painter. For five years he learned daily. Afterwards, he temporarily abandoned painting and moved to Barcelona where he entered the university undertaking courses of philosophy and letters.

Having finished his college years, he installed himself in Madrid where he resided for nine months. There he painted again and visited the city's most important museums. During that time he traveled extensively. During this time he saw the artworks of Sorolla, Bervete, Velazquez, Goya, Van Gogh, Mauve, Nolde, Klimt, Schiele, and the French Impressionists.

In 1990 he married Dolors Domenech and made Madrid his residence, attending Municipal School of Beaux Arts. Soon after, he began exhibiting his works in Barcelona and Madrid. In 1993 he moved to the countryside where he now resides with his wife and two children. Colomer has exhibited his work in New York, San Francisco, Boston, New Orleans, London, Madrid, Barcelona, and elsewhere, and his paintings are in collections in the United States and internationally.

Joan joined Grand Image in 2006.