Artwork for Buddhi

Buddhi Solowenta VanRoos was born in Indonesia in 1962 of a Dutch father and Indonesian mother. Though educated in Amsterdam, he began his painting career at the age of 20 in Jakarta where he set up his first studio. From 1983-1985 he attended the National Academy of Art while participating in many group exhibitions. He has since had one man shows in Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan. His composition "Meditation 1" was selected best in show at the Kyoto International Art Fair in 1994.

Buddhi's technique starts with a liberal application of gesso to the prepaid canvas, which is textured with a palette knife. Lines and figures are often carved into the partially dried gesso. He then applies color with brushes, sponges, and very often with his bare hands. Various glazes and antiquing compounds are added last.

Buddhi paints in groups named for their source of inspiration e.g. the "Aegean series" from his impressions of ancient Greek culture, the "Tao series" from his study of Taoism and the "Shadow sign series" from his travels among tribal societies.

Buddhi joined Grand Image in 2010.