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Collection: grandimageinvitationalnov2024
Collection: grandimageinvitationalnov2024
107 artworks
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132230 - Untitled Series no. 1
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
134062 - Rusty Loom
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134061 - Woven Strokes 6
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134060 - Woven Strokes 5
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134059 - Woven Strokes 4
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134058 - Woven Strokes 3
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134057 - Woven Strokes 2
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134056 - Woven Strokes 1
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
128229 - Memphis Blooms 2
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions
128228 - Memphis Blooms 1
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions
133929 - And Through the Trees, I Can See the Sunset
Morgan Chinn - OpenEditions-SED
133930 - Oh Look How the Forest Floor Is Covered in Moss
Morgan Chinn - OpenEditions-SED
134063 - Stack 1
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
134064 - Stack 2
Victoria Neiman - OpenEditions-SED
132231 - Untitled Series no. 2
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132232 - Untitled Series no. 3
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132234 - Untitled Series no. 5
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132233 - Untitled Series no. 4
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132235 - Untitled Series no. 6
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132236 - Untitled Series no. 7
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132237 - Untitled Series no. 8
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132238 - Untitled Series no. 9
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132239 - Untitled Series no. 10
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132240 - Untitled Series no. 11
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
132241 - Untitled Series no. 12
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
133885 - Gilded Morado 1
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133886 - Gilded Morado 2
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133887 - Gilded Azul 1
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133796 - Love at First Sight
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133795 - Garden Party
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
131139 - Seeds Beneath Snow
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
127593 - Days Still Left
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
134209 - Korāju 2
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
134208 - Korāju 1
Renee Staeck - OpenEditions-SED
133850 - Rainier Sunrise
Kelsey Bumsted - OpenEditions-SED
133847 - Mossy PNW Waterfall
Kelsey Bumsted - OpenEditions-SED
133848 - PNW Waterfall
Kelsey Bumsted - OpenEditions-SED
133918 - El Nido
Van Hoang - OpenEditions-SED
133917 - Shore of Dreams
Van Hoang - OpenEditions-SED
133797 - Walled Heath
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133798 - Albert
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133888 - Gilded Azul 2
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133889 - Gilded Verde 1
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133890 - Gilded Verde 2
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133891 - Love Letter to Mt. Rainier
Maeve Harris - OpenEditions-SED
133807 - Botanical Jubilee
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133804 - In the Clearing
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133803 - Swallows
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133802 - Lake Crescent
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133801 - Winter Hunter
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133800 - Peek-a-Boo
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
133799 - Soft Paws
Melanie Amaral - OpenEditions-SED
134224 - The Boy
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
133874 - Permian Exposure 3
Stuart Haury - OpenEditions-SED
133755 - Facing the Day
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
134183 - San Juan Ferry
Kelsey Bumsted - OpenEditions-SED
134182 - Richardsons Road Sunset
Kelsey Bumsted - OpenEditions-SED
134219 - Orly 1
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
134220 - Orly 2
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
134221 - Jive
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
134222 - Rational 1
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
134223 - Rational 2
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
134225 - Skating
Emma Jones - OpenEditions-SED
132914 - Motel Pool Sign
Mimi Payne - OpenEditions-SED
132915 - Red Umbrella
Mimi Payne - OpenEditions-SED
132913 - Vintage Blue Convertible
Mimi Payne - OpenEditions-SED
134184 - Foggy Oregon Beach 1
Kelsey Bumsted - OpenEditions-SED
134053 - Daughter Helps Mother Finish Marathon
Amy Stewart - Limited Editions
133756 - Her Fondest Memory
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133757 - Owl Wisdom
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133758 - Earth Mother
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133759 - Matriarchs
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133760 - Finding God in Myself When the Rainbow is Enuf
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133761 - The Wolf
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133762 - I Bring Something Different, Yet Vital
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
133763 - Keys & Wings
Tracy Poindexter-Canton - Limited Editions
134055 - Rooftop Agriculture Is Good For The Environment And Our Health
Amy Stewart - Limited Editions
134054 - People Are Showing Up For Each Other
Amy Stewart - Limited Editions
134052 - Forest Guardians Help Red Panda Conservation
Amy Stewart - Limited Editions
132912 - Palm Springs Life
Mimi Payne - OpenEditions-SED
132911 - Tacos Sign
Mimi Payne - OpenEditions-SED
132910 - Lawn Chair
Mimi Payne - OpenEditions-SED
130061 - Fluid Forms 8
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions-SED
130063 - Fluid Forms 10
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions-SED
133127 - Technicolor Scuba Dive
Morgan Chinn - OpenEditions-SED
133128 - Underwater in the Edmonds Salt Water Park
Morgan Chinn - OpenEditions-SED
133777 - Shadows and Dust III
Van Hoang - OpenEditions-SED
133776 - Shadows and Dust II
Van Hoang - OpenEditions-SED
133775 - Shadows and Dust I
Van Hoang - OpenEditions-SED
133870 - July Shimmers 1
Stuart Haury - OpenEditions-SED
133869 - August Shades
Stuart Haury - OpenEditions-SED
133871 - July Shimmers 2
Stuart Haury - OpenEditions-SED
133873 - Permian Exposure 2
Stuart Haury - OpenEditions-SED
130064 - Fluid Forms 11
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions-SED
132736 - Fluid Forms 14
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions
134215 - If Now Was Then
Allison Rohland - OpenEditions-SED
134214 - Let Your Feelings Roll On By
Allison Rohland - OpenEditions-SED
134213 - Head Full of Dreams
Allison Rohland - OpenEditions-SED
134212 - What I Wouldn't Do
Allison Rohland - OpenEditions-SED
134187 - It Gets to Be Fun
Allison Rohland - OpenEditions-SED
131140 - One With All
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
127595 - Promises Lightly
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
127589 - Songbirds Keep Singing
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
127591 - Among the Fields
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
131141 - Found 1
Lesley Frenz - OpenEditions-SED
132737 - Fluid Forms 15
Kyle Goderwis - OpenEditions
133872 - Permian Exposure 1
Stuart Haury - OpenEditions-SED
Limited Editions
Signature Editions
Open Editions
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GI Home
Abstract Landscape
City Detail
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Still Life
Elyce Abrams
Michelle Abrams
Holly Addi
Glenn Allen
Stefano Altamura
Melanie Amaral
James Angel
Debbie Angell
Arabella Studios
Alfredo Arreguin
Patrick Atkinson
Sarah Atkinson
Jeremy August
August Studios
Jennifer Bain
Hope Bainbridge
Christopher Balder
Antoni Becerra
Larry Bentley
Alicia Berger
Laura Berman
Karen Bezuidenhout
Melanie Biehle
Carolyn Biggio
Judith Bigham
Bella Bigsby
Tarli Bird
Aleksandr Biruk
Steve Bisig
Shana Blakley
Olivia Blinco
Ciela Bloom
Tiss Blume
Alicia Bock
Bob Boreman
Laurence Bost
James Bourret
Stella Bradley
Don Bradshaw
Kristin Breiseth
Mary Margaret Briggs
Marcie Jan Bronstein
Millie Brooks
Sheryn Bullis
Kelsey Bumsted
Andy Burgess
C.M. Burns
Marysia Burr
Mary Calkins
Judy Campbell
Kathy Carbonetti
Robert Cardinal
Kay Carlson
Andree Carter
Paul Chang
Soraya Chemaly
Morgan Chinn
Sang-Geun Cho
Ann Christensen
Bob Chrzanowski
Luciano Cian
Alan Clarke
Sharon Clarke
Molly Cliff Hilts
Cassidy Cole
Karen Cole
Amanda Coleman
CJ Collins
Ramona Conlon
Lily Connor
Susan Conti
Jamie Cook
Milton Coppo
Jean Cornell
Einat Dan
Michele Dangelo
Daph Haus
Sue Darius
Mina Datos
David Dauncey
Darrell Dean
Barbara DeBord
Bernard deClaviere
Lisa DeJohn
Matt Demers
Jamie Dennis
Andie deRoux
Michael Dickter
Checo Diego
David Dimond
Stephen Dinsmore
Keith Doles
Guadalupe Dominguez
Miguel Dominguez
Sharon Dowell
Michael Doyle
Zach Dryz
Lori Dubois
Chris Dunker
CJ Elliott
J.J. Ellis
Jaime Ellsworth
Kim Eriksson
Chris Fabregas
Karenina Fabrizzi
Michael Faragher
Mary Farmer
Christopher Farrell
Ludwig Favre
Barbara Fisher
Frederic Flanet
Gabe Fonorow
Charlotte Foust
Mark Fraley
Stacy Frank
Jean-Alexander Frater
Shawn Frederick
Lesley Frenz
Judy Friday
Allyson Fukushima
Gregory Garrett
Ryan Garvey
GI ArtLab
Jane Gibout
Dana Gibson
Susan Gillette
Raymond Gizzi
Kyle Goderwis
Ted Goerschner
Bonita W. Goldberg
Kyle Goldie
Richard Gombar
Frank Gonzales
Sunny Goodwin
Heather Goodwind
Ben Gordon
Ross Gordon
Fran Gottlieb
Grand Archives
Daniel Grant
Alicia Grau
Heather Green
Ryan Grey
Julie Gross
Jane Guthridge
Hable Construction
JB Hall
Robert Hansen
Maeve Harris
Nate Harris
Sara Harris
Brenna Harvey
Danna Harvey
William Henry Harvey
David Owen Hastings
Matthew Hasty
Stuart Haury
Max Hayslette
Jacquin Headen
Faye Heller
Sarah Helser
Liam Hennessy
Stephen Henning
Marilyn Henrion
Martin Henson
Ellen Hermanos
Darrell Hill
Lee Hill
Malcolm Hill
Terri Hill
Tracy Hiner
Akiko Hiromoto
Van Hoang
Peter Hocking
Gerry Holden
Jennifer Hollack
Hoa Hong
Elizabeth Hope
Elizabeth Horning
Adam Horton
Patrick Howe
Tim Howe
Virginia Howlett
Bob Hunt
Jorey Hurley
Joshua Huston
David Hwang
Elena Ilku
Filipo Ioco
Joseph Jackino
Diana Jacobs
Annrika James
Tae Mook Jang
Todd Jannausch
Ayla Jean
Susan Jeschke
David Johndrow
Dana Johns
Tim Johnson
Victoria Johnson
Teri Jonas
Emma Jones
Thomas William Jones
Journey Fine Art
Kloe Kang
Aiko Kasumi
Jay Kelly
Lisa Kesler
Eunice Kim
Myung-Sik Kim
Jonathon Kimbrell
Kate Knight
Ed Kranick
Lisa Krannichfeld
Jon Krutsky
Tommy Kwak
Linda LaFontsee
Campbell Laird
Jess Landers
Doug Landreth
Tracey Lane
T.L. Lange
Leonardo Lanzolla
Marie Lawyer
Natasha Lawyer
Keith Lazelle
Libertad Leal
Michael Leavitt
Mary Ann Leff
Donna Levinstone
Judy Levy
Erin Lin
Erik Lindstrom
Matt Lively
Teresa Llacer
Carolina Luzon
Massimiliano Maddalena
Barbara Maiser
Michael Mao
Natasha Marie
Mercedes Marin
Patrick Marshall
Joan Marti
Cheryl Martin
Fernanda Martinez
David Marty
Iris Maschek
Nathaniel Mather
Jo Mathers
Andy Mattern
Shannon McBride
Kathleen McCarty
Annrika McCavitt
Tim McFarlane
Jenny McGee Dougherty
K. L. McKenna
Pat Meras
GT Metals
Jeanne Michel
Akira Mineeda
Mira Jean Designs
Michael Moon
Sarah More
Jody Morlock
Douglas K. Morris
Gail Morris
Doris Mosler
Darrel Moss
Frank Moth
Don Munz
Carrie Narducci
Adrian Negenborn
Martha Negley
Kelly Neidig
Margaret Neill
Victoria Neiman
Jenny Nelson
Kate Nelson
Kristin Nelson
Billy Newman
Geoffrey Newmann
Paul Ngo
PC Ngo
Kit Night
Kelly O'Brien
Desmond O'Hagan
Edosa Ogiugo
ReD Ognita
Irena Orlov
Kate Osborne
Franka Palek
David Palmer
Paperplate Inc.
Kwang-Jin Park
Sang-Duk Park
Chris Paschke
Cynthia Pastars
Mimi Payne
Dale Payson
Victoria Pearson
Athanase Pell
Ray Pelley
Elvia Perrin
Valeria Pesce
Hong Pham
M.B. Phelps
P. H. Viola Photography
TM Photography
Joseph Piccillo
Marlies Plank
Tracy Poindexter-Canton
Porter Design
Sandra Pratt
Salvatore Principe
Amy Raab
Osman Rana
Sid Rativo
Cary Reeder
April Richardson
Curtis Ripley
Cheryl Roberts
Barbara Roche
Kate Roebuck
Allison Rohland
Mitch Rouse
Daniel Roy
Lynn Roylance
William Rugen
Kory Russell
Tania Rutland
P.J. Sakalov
Warren Salter
Lisel Salzer
Roger Sandes
Felipe Santamans
Terry Sauve
Eric Scheib
Katie Re Scheidt
Thea Schrack
Christoph Schrein
Larry Seidman
Annie Selke
Stan Shire
Kenneth Showell
Tracy Silva Barbosa
Susan Smereka
Amy Smith
Liz Rundorff Smith
McKinley Smith
Mike Smith
Russell C Smith
Sallie K. Smith
Starlie Sokol-Hohne
Sharyn Sowell
Meg Stacker
Renee Staeck
Jo Stearns
Rossie Stearns
JM Steele
Pierre Stefani
Cory Steffen
Nancy Stentz
Amy Stewart
Theresa Stirling
Vicki Marie Stolsen
Renee Stramel
Katie Straus
Susan Stuart
Victor Cohen Stuart
Nyoman Sudarsa
Marilyn Suriani
Allison Svoboda
Kate Sweeney
Adele Sypesteyn
Sarah Tanner
Ron Tarver
Kirk Tatom
Paul Taylor
THE Studio
Thicket Design
Suyao Tian
Don Tiller
B. Timmins
Jill Tishman
Katie Todaro
Ellen Traub
Diana Tremaine
Ian Tremewen
Trevally Inc.
Thomas Tribby
David Tupper
Unknown Guildmaster
Urban Soule
Karen Ussery
Peter Van Berkel
Marc van der Leeden
Debra Van Tuinen
Janet Vanderhoof
Richard Vergez
Sylvia Victor
Ramon Vila
Pamela Viola
Carol Vipperman
Penny Wagner
Sarah Waldron
Melissa Walton
Elise Wehle
Lillis Werder
Sheryl Westergreen
Keith Wicks
Marta Wiley
Bonnie Wilkins
David Jordan Williams
Robert Williamson
Sarah Winkler
Travis Winn
Kate Woodman
Leonard Wren
Patrick Wright
Helena Wurzel
Jan Yoors
Donna Young
Wesley Younie
Zoe Bios Creative
GIH Frame Color
Rustic Gold
Satin Black
White Wash Oak